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面议 北京通州区 应届毕业生 本科
面议 北京通州区 应届毕业生 本科
岗位描述 – JOB SUMMARY: 该职位专门负责企业传播工作,将支持企业传播负责人制定企业传播战略计划,推动向媒体及公众讲述正向故事,塑造企业形象,帮助建立北京环球度假区的行业地位,通过制定适当的项目计划和方法,增进全国性媒体和KOL对于北京环球度假区的企业形象认知,增强品牌及企业信任度。 This position is dedicated on Corp Communications and will support the Corp Communications Lead to develop the strategic corporate communications plan, drive the proactive storytelling to help build the trustworthy corporate image and the thought-leadership of UBR in the industry, creating appropriate programs and approaches to engage with SOE, industry and other nationwide media, key influencers and KOLs, reinforce the trust to UBR brand and corporate. 主要职责 – MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: • 通过向政府、行业、合作伙伴和KOL等多个利益相关者讲述企业公关故事,为塑造北京环球度假区的企业形象创造公关声量,塑造消费者认知,从而有效支持北京环球度假区业务目标的实现。 • Support UBR marketing goals by creating buzz and shaping perceptions about UBR through corporate PR storytelling across multiple stakeholders including the government, industry, partner and key influencers. • 与其他相关业务团队密切合作,确定优先事项,制定媒体宣传策略,并确保与北京环球度假区营销和品牌目标始终保持高度一致。 • Work closely with related business team to identify the priority, develop media communication strategy and remain closely aligned with UBR marketing and branding goals. • 基于对业务需求及传播环境的洞察,拥有较强的故事创意能力,围绕既定的关键业务沟通信息,包括但不限于引导行业创新与经济赋能、产业和文化融合、雇主品牌、可持续发展和企业社会责任等话题,建立生动的公关叙事和评论内容,创造引人入胜的故事。为媒体提供故事宣传创意,确保故事传播得到妥善管理。 • Are capable to obtain strong insights into business and communication environment and create convincing stories accordingly. Build solid PR narratives and editorial contents around identified key pillars including but not limited to innovation and empowering the economy, industry and cultural integration, employer brand, sustainability and CSR stories etc., to drive a compelling story. Offer story pitching ideas for media and ensure the stories are managed appropriately. • 与相关业务团队紧密合作,确定优先级,寻找合适的公关机会,设计、实施和执行多层次公关计划,确定合适的发声机会和其他公关策略,以此宣传北京环球度假区、提高公关报道的影响力,为北京环球度假区树立良好的正面形象。确保顺利执行计划和实现目标。 • Work closely with related business team to identify the priority and PR opportunities, design, implement and execute multi-layered PR programs, identify appropriate speaking opportunities and other PR tactics to promote UBR, drive the drumbeat of PR coverages and garner favorable environment for UBR. Ensure the plan is on track and the objective is met. • 为业务团队提供战略咨询,帮助他们识别和降低潜在风险。协助处理敏感性媒体问题或大众对北京环球度假区的误解,根据需要管理媒体询问。 • Advise business team with strategic consultancy and help them identify to mitigate potential risks. Support to handle sensitive media issues or misperception around UBR, manage media inquiries as needed • 与全国媒体、政府宣传主管部门保持良好关系,开发并管理智库项目,与智库建立可持续的建设性关系 • Maintain good relationship with nationwide media and publicity department, develop and manage Think Tank programs and build sustainable and constructive relationships with think tanks • 管理合作代理商,发展并引入适当的资源,指导团队完成公关目标。 • Manage agency partners, create right resources, guide and coach the team to accomplish the PR objectives. • 管理项目预算和支出,确保符合计划 • Manage project budgets and spending, ensuring they are well on track • 完成分配的其他工作 • Perform other duties as assigned 任职资格 – QUALIFICATIONS: • 10 年以上公关工作经验,有企业传播、危机公关、新闻传播经验者优先考虑 10-year plus working experiences in PR, preferred in corporate communications, crisis communications • 深刻了解中国的政府和媒体格局 Good understanding in China’s government and media landscape • 能够在复杂、敏感的环境中,通过良好的战略规划和洞察力讲好北京环球度假区的企业故事 Proven strategic planning and insights in navigating UBR in a complicated and sensitive environment • 具备良好的媒体传播和故事叙述能力 Proven good media communication and storytelling skills • 具备较强的项目管理能力,并表现出成熟的团队领导能力 Proven strong project management capabilities and demonstrate as a mature team leader • 在敏感性和风险评估方面拥有良好的公关判断能力 Good PR judgement in evaluating sensitivities and risks • 能够根据业务目标进行资源优先排序的战略规划 Strategic planning in prioritizing resources aligned with the business goal • 出色的问题解决能力和人际交往能力,能够与商业leader和各类专业人士合作 Strong problem-solving capabilities, interpersonal skills with an ability to work with business leaders and a wide range of professionals • 必须主动学习和理解市场趋势、新策略以及可能影响整体战略的宏观环境问题 Must be active to learn and understand market trends, new tactics, macro-environment issues that may impact on overall strategy • 注重细节,具备较强的管理技能,能够评估和调整优先事项,能在快节奏工作环境中高效工作 Detail-oriented with strong management skills and ability to evaluate and adjust priorities to perform efficiently in an extremely fast-paced working environment • 勤奋、灵活、足智多谋、独立自主、具备良好的职业道德 Diligent, flexible, resourceful, independent worker with a strong work ethic • 积极主动,拥有专业精神,擅长团队合作 Positive attitude, team player with professional manner 教育水平 – EDUCATION: 拥有四年制大学传播或新闻专业学士学位 Bachelor’s degree from a four-year college or university in Communications or Journalism required
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